Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) ASASIpintar 2016

assalamualaikum and hello..

today, i got to share about my experience in ukm, how the qualification is looked through, the competition, life as an ASASIpintar student etc

u know prog PERMATApintar? biasanya kalau org dgr, dia akan tanya, oo..program rosmah tu ke? huhu,, tu je la yg cliche.. prog ni ada kat usim, ukm, which they choose students who pass their test n diorg boleh lompat tahun.

so basically prog ASASIpintar ni bawah PERMATApintar. kalau nak apply upu online, boleh nmpk ukm just tulis UKM ASASIPINTAR# which # symbol means students need to go to the iv if they pass the qualification. it's the one and only one for ukm. means xde la dia state mcm uni lain. eg UiTM asasi sains hayat, bawah tu UiTM asasi sains sukan

so dia pilih mostly student yg straight A n A+ utk g iv. the iv question is just IQ test, dont worry, no oral test, all in online. x kisah la dia bubuh Ukm tu kat no brapa dlm pilihan upu.

so, dlm batch aku ada 60 org yg pass iv tu. and tmbh 68 org dr student permata pintar sndiri (tp diorg diambil just tgk pointer >3.5) sum up semua sekali 128 org.. intake for asasi paling sikit di m'sia..

competition kat sini sgtlah hebat. bila cg survey, 80% yg nak amik medic. dan bila survey spe dpt scholarship, ramai juga. scholar bursary (straight A+) pun ramai kut 😭😭 yg lain just dpt biasiswa ipta je (biasiswa asasi) and lecturer kata  semua student asasi pintar mmg A+ dan A shj..

and oleh sbb asasi ni setahun, dia agak tough dr asasi lain (kata lect) plus asasi ni campur half drpd syllabus first year degree.

maaf lah yer,, x pasal2 kne zoom in.. =='

qualificationnya sgt tinggi. cth aku nak medic time degree, dia perlu >3.8 pointer. tp yg apply nnt ramai yg 4flat, so yg akan diambil utk iv nnt just yg 4flat. sgt x ramai. sbb dia nk cmpur ngan bdk 4flat dr matrik. but the lecturer said, the unfair matter here is, 4flat in matrik and other foundation is definitely not equal to 4flat ASASIpintar.

byk juga kos lain yg high qualificationnya. plus, utk g iv dia utk pursue fakulti yg kita apply utk degree, dia akn tgk result spm jgk.

n berita sedihnya, even most bdknya pintar lah kan, x ramai yg dpt 4flat every year. lect kata, bdk sbp mrsm dalam sejarah just ada sorg je yg pernah dpt 4flat.

im focusing to medic as an example bcoz its my passion and my father's goal.. so act qualification ke ASASIpintar sama dgn medic MARA nak, which is straight A+ and A only, so ramai sgt2 yg dpt offer Mara, lg2 medic. n about 15 student jgk yg keluar, yelaa sbb Mara, kita dah confirm dpt apa yg nak kan..yg lain x kluar sbb Mara offer kos yg bkn apa yg diorg apply n ada yg lain tolak kos best best sbb apa ntah..dia sayang kut zoo ukm tu huhu..

damn seriously, kalau masuk ukm, kau be like "eh aku kat zaman batu ke zaman logam ni?" sbb bangunannya sumpah bangunan zaman lama, x cat dan sbgnya. but no worries, im still proud of ukm because the history of its establishment is very very fascinating.. ada sbb knp bangunannya sebegitu rupa huhu..

but, jgn risau, oleh sbb prog PERMATApintar ni kira baru lah jugak, Pusat PERMATApintar is the most beautiful place i had ever been ! 😍 seriously sampai sekarang rindu.. 😢

so about the course.. kami x tetap lg dpt course apa, in other words kami juga perlu compete sama mcm bdk matrik utk dptkan course in degree. so asasi pintar we have two streamings which are Pure Science and Social Science. any course in degree yg related to science for instance Medic, Pharmacy and Dentistry you are going to apply for at the end of semester, you hv to choose Pure Science. and the fields such as Business, Accounting, you can just choose Social Science. but, if you choose Pure Science, you can apply for Pure Science course or Social Science course either.

but in the last day of orientation day, we are sorted by Set (class). there are 6 sets, 1-5 is for pure science class and 6 is for social science. as we know, social science class is just for ex-PERMATApintar students 😂 so, sesiapa bkn ex permata yg mmg xnak amik course science time degree nnt, kesian lah jgk sbb trpaksa menghadap jugak subject science time asasi..huhu..sobss 😂

so here are the subjects :

sbg hamba-Nya, aku terima takdir yg mungkin aku dapat merasai seminggu je kat situ.. huhu.. this is my decision, insya-Allah it's the best.. belajar kat mana mana pun oke, asalkan kita ikhlas, enjoy dan sntiasa ingat, priority kita ialah STUDY AND ACHIEVE SUCCESS TO MAKE OUR PARENTS PROUD. 😊😘

tata.. 🙆🏻

128 students showing their 'panah sayang' to all the facilitators (pemudah cara)

kalau Kompleks PERMATApintar ni mmg boleh tahanlaa lawanyaa,,huhu,, seghonok je belajar tmpt selesa


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