Covid-19 #RMO Day-5

Heyyy guys 🤗 so for Covid-19 RMO Day-5 loneliness syndrome we gonna share about MARA interview on 2015. Aikk.. it’s 2020 oledi maaa.. hahaha.. and ‘we’ ? Una and who?? Hahaha stay tuned ! 👻

So to start with, im gonna use English rojak for the first time ehekk. So, im currently studying medicine at USM Kubang Kerian (3rd year survivor 👻) and my cheeky foe, Syamimoo (a boy, don’t be mistaken) is an engineering sudent in USM Nibong Tebal. we’re both under MARA Pre-U USM programme and safely landed on the different branch of USM for the course of our own choice. 

From the name MARA Pre-U USM programme, yeah ofc we’re destined to be in USM, not USA 🇺🇸 (ahaks). MARA offered a list of programme for SPM leavers on in website. Just choose which you think suits you!

For local programme, usually there’s no interview. They assess you by your SPM result. You may choose oversea / twinning programme if you want to build snowman so bad ⛄️ 

but make sure your SPM results are excellent, fulfill the requirement for the course chosen (straight A pure science stream for medicine, engineering & pharmacy) the more the A+ the better, also..... you need to, i’m sorry YOU HAVE TO  perform very very well in your interview !! That’s the main key 🔐 

(Psst new gov today open up easier chance to fly, so, if you think your ‘wing’ is competent enough, just fly!)

BUT, if the oversea entries are full but you have good qualification and you did well-to-not-so-well performance during interview, they will offer you local programme. But heyyy don’t worry lahh.. it’s normal not to have chance to fly, that’s normal to be frustrated, locked in your room for a week crying at your eyes out under the pillow, but everything happens for a reason.

Both local and oversea have pros and cons, but for this time being, focus on the COURSE you dream of, not where you are. -Husna, 2020. So basically, i applied for Medic Kolej MARA Banting and Syamim for Engineering Kolej MARA Seremban.


So i start with mine first because Syamim is busy sobbing over his Crash Landing on You 😒

The hall where the interview was held aroung there. But this picture was on another time as my bff Juliana was staying in KMB

Mine is in Kolej MARA Banting, so the candidates gathered together at a hall. After handing over our documents, we were distributed randomly to a few groups, one consists around 10 members. Oh ya, the documents we’re told to bring along are:

1. IC copy
2. SPM results
3. Printed interview letter

That’s it. And i was, wait a min... how about all the co-curricular activities, mountains of certificates that we chased for the past 5 freaking years? HAHA, girl, you can leave it aside in your bag and please line up in your group. Yeah, that’s the reality, but don’t worry, if you are truly credible, people can see your capabilities in your words and personality, no need any certificate to prove it. (Maybe that’s what they’re thinking, just to console the shocked Me)

And the day before the interview, we candidates got a message on the dress code- a T-shirt and a tracksuit. Me while ironing my blazer -

Holy crap! Is there any frisbee match? 😱 is there any Lee Chong Wei thingy?

Huhu but nahh.. i was informed that there’ll be group activities that need you to go here and there strenuously. Huh! Bikin gue kaget aja. And maybe the dress code may deflate those who has higher qualification but lower socioeconomic status 🤷🏻‍♀️

And there’re a few stations.

1st station:

There’s given a paper with written poem, 

Puisi Prof. Dr. Jafri Malin Abdullah Untuk Ubat MLM, Dr Google & Dr Facebook
Aku dah bosan jadi doktor bertauliah.
Ada ijazah pun dah tak berguna.
Kerana zaman dah berubah.
Ramai yang mencari doktor di FB.
Ramai yang jadi Dr Google dan Dr FB.
Aku dah bosan jadi doktor bertauliah.
Hanya diperlukan bila nak MC.
Nasihat tak pernah didengar.
Ubatan tak dimakan ikut peraturan.
Malah yang langsung tak makan ubat pun ada.
Takut nanti rosakkan buah pinggang.

Read full poem here 👉🏻 Puisi Prof. Dr. Jafri Malin
Professor ni Fellow of ASM, Pakar Bedah Otak (Neurosurgeon) di HUSM, K. Bharu

So yeah, that’s it. Given 20 minutes to discuss about the poem. After 30 minutes, we’re told to sit in front of 5 panels. Given 20 minutes to discuss. So just divide yourselves. One is appropriate to talk for just 5 minutes, right? So, I have a few tips on how to answer question during group interviews.

Remember, you need to behave and be outstanding in every minute even during the discussion, because there’s a panel who will circle you around and observe every of your word and behaviour. There‘re also marks for it! So, come on! We’re born to be con artists. It’s time to shine 🤩 jkjk

Liyana, a friend of mine in KMKU

2nd station:

There’s a room. Like an escape room. Or in a better word, a heritage. The 10 of us were divided into 2 groups 😓 with a few cardboard, plasticine, papers and junks, old shelves, we’re supposed to make a kind of Go Green invention. Like, babe.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ huh i don’t even want to remember what crap i had invented, like yeah, i was born to be a despicable engineer 🛠⚙️

That’s all that i can remember. Haa there’s also a station, where we are given a paper, and we need to tick which candidate in our group had the best credibilities. Oh God, at this moment your finger was soo hesitate to tick your own name but yeah 😩 idk if we cud tick our own name but after all, i realised i’m not promising enough 😣

Last but not least, idk how we groupmates came out with a whatsapp group and a selfie before we’re leaving. But hmm.. you know, if you’re still contact, all the disheartening part is when the results come out. You absolutely will reveal who pass the interview and who are not.. but yeah.. life is a wheel.. (don’t let me to start it.. don’t.....) 😭😭😭

That’s all that i can remember.. sorry for any lack

 You’re the angle of your own story! Let make something miracle 🥰


Hye, so this is for Engineering part. Narrator: Syamim. Writer: Una 🤞🏻


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